Let our skilled therapists at Beautilicious Cosmetics and Aesthetics enhance your natural beauty through a wide selection of innovative treatments.
Olivia – Owner and Beauty Therapist
Explore all our tailored treatments
Explore all our tailored treatments
What do we do at Beautilicious Cosmetics and Aesthetics?
What do we do at Beautilicious Cosmetics and Aesthetics?

Semi-Permanent eye brow treatment
Eyebrows not only accentuate your eyes they also frame your face and give your features character; therefore, choosing the right brow treatment is so important. The semi-permanent eyebrow treatment (microblading) involves implanting pigment into your skins superficial layers to resemble the natural eyebrow hair…………

Lip Treatments
Nothing gives your face more expression that your lips, think about it for a moment, a frown can elicit a negative reaction whereas a smile can elicit the exact opposite, but just imagine for a moment the reaction of lips that are fuller, plumper more sumptuous, dare it be said? More inviting………..

High Intensity Focused Ultrasound also known as ‘3D SkinMed’, ‘Ultrasound Facelift’ or ‘Ultherapy’ has become one of the most sought after lifting treatments for face and neck. The Hifu is a one-off treatment which will help you achieve tighter, firmer, lifted skin……….

Plasma Fibro Blast Treatment - Skin Tightening
We can help to reduce those problem area’s such as sagging eyelids, tighten neck skin, stretch marks, crows feet – the list is endless……….

This method is highly effective and commonly used within the initial stages of permanent cosmetics correctional work to lighten ill-placed, badly shaped, discoloured cosmetic enhancements……..

These are individual Fillers and Botox treatments, there application and the quantity to bring out the results you desire……..

Lets talk filler! What are lip fillers? unsure about fillers well here’s all you need to know!
If you have any more questions please don’t hesitate to contact us for expert advice.

The one-treatment which will help you achieve tighter, firmer and lifted skin! Just one session of the HIFU will deliver visible effects in lifting and tightening. It will also create new collagen which will help your skin maintain its youthful glow.
Please contact us to discuss the procedure and your beauty objectives, our chief therapist, Olivia, will give you a consultation before booking any treatment!